“How would I feel, had I never been born?”
This question posed by Sangen Salo sensei as a child drew him via a long and winding path to a weekend retreat in 2004. The retreat was led by Sante Poromaa roshi, who was visiting from Sweden, and it inspired Salo to go to his first sesshin in Zengården, Sweden, in January 2005.
He started visiting Zengården regularly and practicing under the guidance of both his teachers, Sante and Kanja roshis. A big impression on Sangen sensei was made also by his two visits to Japan, to Bukkokuji zen temple in 2008 and 2009. In the autumn of 2012 Sangen sensei moved to Zengården.
Sangen sensei finished his formal koan-practice at the end of 2013 (Mumonkan, Hekiganroku, Shoyoroku, Jujukinkai) and was ordained as a Zen Buddhist priest the following spring. After having worked for three and a half years as the Head of Zendo in Zengården, he gradually moved back to Finland.
In January 2018 Sante roshi made Salo a Zen teacher. Since summer 2020 Sangen sensei has worked and lived permanently in Sanneji.
On February 26, 2022, an Ascending Mountain Ceremony (The ceremony of installing a new abbot) was held in Sanneji under the direction of Sante Poromaa Roshi. In the ceremony Sangen Salo sensei also received full independence in the lineage of his teacher and became Sante Roshi’s first Dharma heir in the line of Roshi Philip Kapleau.