Tag: Finland

  • Otto Eskelinen

    Otto Eskelinen

    Otto Eskelinen is a Finnish woodwind player and composer, playing the shakuhachi. He is studying with Kiku Day and Gunnar Jinmei Linder.

  • Aaro Havisto

    Aaro Havisto

    Aaro Haavisto is a shakuhachi player and maker based in Finland, studying with Yasunori Tani. He will be teaching Kinko-ryu and Ueda-ryu pieces.

  • Sakari Heikka

    Sakari Heikka

    Sakari Heikka is a Finnish musician, composer, and music pedagogue, and has studied with Gunnar Jinmei Linder, Mizuno Kohmei, Riley Lee, Akihito Obama and Akiki Fujimoto.

  • Sangen Salo

    Sangen Salo

    Sangen Salo sensei (born in 1967) is a Zen Buddhist priest and teacher, who was ordained in 2014 and received a teacher license in 2018. He lives and teaches at Sanneji zen meditation retreat, Finland.