Tag: Finnish Shakuhachi Association
Otto Eskelinen
Otto Eskelinen is a Finnish woodwind player and composer, playing the shakuhachi. He is studying with Kiku Day and Gunnar Jinmei Linder.
Aaro Havisto
Aaro Haavisto is a shakuhachi player and maker based in Finland, studying with Yasunori Tani. He will be teaching Kinko-ryu and Ueda-ryu pieces.
Sakari Heikka
Sakari Heikka is a Finnish musician, composer, and music pedagogue, and has studied with Gunnar Jinmei Linder, Mizuno Kohmei, Riley Lee, Akihito Obama and Akiki Fujimoto.
Sangen Salo
Sangen Salo sensei (born in 1967) is a Zen Buddhist priest and teacher, who was ordained in 2014 and received a teacher license in 2018. He lives and teaches at Sanneji zen meditation retreat, Finland.