Otto Eskelinen (graduated from Sibelius Academy folk-music department 2013) is a Finnish woodwind player and composer. Lately he has specialized in building primitive self-made wooden flutes, both composing and performing with them. Since 2013 he has been working with the finno-ugric avantgarde group The Mystic Revelation Of Teppo Repo. TMROTR has published six studio albums and composed music for the documentary film Luonto Sisälläni – The Nature Of My Heart(YLE).

Otto’s first solo-album Pindarin sävel (Helmi levyt) was released on July 2020. He plays also with Finnish folk/jazz band Uusi Aika which just released a new album Uusi Aika (WeJazz Records).

Besides other woodwind instruments, Otto has been studying shakuhachi with teachers Kiku Day (Zensabo) and Gunnar Jinmei Linder (Kinko-ryu). As well as practicing Honkyoku, Otto has adapted shakuhachi to almost all his musical projects listed above.